Know your worth

worth — /wəːθ/

Harini Siva
2 min readJun 2, 2021

Noun: the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated

When the meaning itself says ‘ something that deserves to be valued ’. Like how every coin has two sides to it, so does this situation has its two extremely different shades. On the one hand, it's the problem that is affecting our self-esteem. Why do we underestimate ourselves? Are we not worth facing the obstacle that life puts forward? Whereas on the other side, why do we give away our worth to satisfy others or fit into their spaces or even get their acceptance? Who are they to judge us, after all, isn’t your satisfaction that matters in the end. Nothing can be taken for granted because everything in this world comes with its own cost and special value-added to it be it you or for anyone in this case.

With this self-worthiness comes something more important hand and hand is that we sometimes fail to give importance to, and that is Self Respect. Yes, often we tend to lose our self-respect and change ourselves so that we fit in or so that others accept us. Remember, anything at the cost of your self-respect is not worth your importance and attention towards it, because anyone who knows your worth will not put in a situation that makes you question your respect.

There is only one person that you need to satisfy and keep making that one person know how worthy you are and that is YOU. It might start with just simple thing like the way carry ourselves or the way we want to be projected in front of others. The way you respect yourselves and value yourselves is the only way for you to get the respect you deserve and the worth that you have earned. In the end, when the people who you tried to satisfy leave after they have got the maximum use of you then, it's just that only one person which is your inner self that will be standing by your side and say “cheer up this is just the beginning and a long way to go” it's gonna be you in the end.

If you are not going to know your worth and if you're not going to respect yourself, who will? And this is something that we all need to think and reflect upon. So don’t live this beautiful, magical and adventurous life for others rather live it for that one person and that is YOU…!



Harini Siva

Feelings expressed through words is the greatest expression of all.